Dimensional stability and mechanical properties of strandboard made from bamboo

Scopus : Volume 9, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1159-1167

Sumardi, I. , Suzuki, S.


Dimensional changes in bamboo strandboard could decrease the bond durability, causing problems for structural materials. Thus, it is critical and of practical importance to study the relationship between thickness swelling (TS) and internal bond (IB) strength loss on bamboo strandboard. To determine the relationship between dimensional stability and bond durability of bamboo strandboard, various densities and board types were examined. The results show that board density and board types affected TS and water absorption (WA). The board with lower density was easier to swell than that of higher density. The board density influenced the TS/WA ratio for short-term water soaking, but not for long-term water soaking. For layer-structured board, the TS/WA ratio of randomly oriented homogenous board (RAND board) was slightly higher than that of uni-directionally oriented homogenous (UNID), three-layered oriented strandboard with cross-oriented core layer (3LYC), and three-layered oriented with random core (3LYR) boards. The maximum swelling can only be reached by high-temperature water soaking. The IB strength loss of UNID board was higher than that of RAND board.

Author keywords : Bamboo; Dimensional stability; Internal bond; Strandboard; Thickness swelling

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